Thyroid and Nutrition

The thyroid is a gland positioned in the neck that is shaped like a butterfly. It is responsible for releasing hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism, which can then have a lot of influence on different parts of the body. There are different thyroid conditions and diseases that affect the body, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, and Graves disease. These types of ailments affect body temperature, energy level, weight, muscle strength, cholesterol, sleeping patterns, concentration and memory, and the heart rate.

While there are also a variety of medical treatments available for thyroid conditions, eating right is often the first lifestyle change to make. With the right foods, you can not only prevent certain thyroid conditions from developing, but your diet can help you treat them as well. This report goes over the foods that you should eat if you are at risk of a thyroid condition or it has already developed, and certain dietary restrictions to keep in mind.

Diet and Nutrition For Thyroid Conditions

The thyroid gland is a part of our endocrine system which helps in the regulation of respiration, body temperature, brain development, cholesterol levels, blood calcium levels, periods

Thyroid is a bilobed gland located at the front of the neck, just below your Adam’s apple. It is brownish-red in color and rich with blood vessels. The hormone secreted by thyroid id thyroxine also called T4. The thyroid gland is a part of our endocrine system which helps in the regulation of respiration, body temperature, brain development, cholesterol levels, blood calcium levels, periods, etc.

Iodine is important for the normal synthesis of the hormone. The Iodine deficiency in our diet results in a condition called hypothyroidism and leads to enlargement of the thyroid gland. This is called a simple goiter.

What Is Hypothyroidism?

It is a condition in which the thyroid gland is not able to produce enough thyroxine hormone. Our pituitary gland is responsible for the secretion of TSH(Thyroid-stimulating hormone) that activates the thyroid to produce and release T3 & T4. Hypothyroidism in pregnant ladies causes development defects of the growing child which leads to various problems like, mental retardation, low IQ, skin abnormalities, etc. In women, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Primary thyroidism may be caused due to various reasons like deficiency of iodine, genetical disorder, removal of part of the thyroid during surgery or intake of some medicine.

Its’ Effect On Metabolism

The speed of our metabolic system is controlled by the thyroid hormone. If our metabolic system is faster then we will be able to burn more amount of calories at rest. If the person is suffering from hypothyroidism their metabolic system will be slower because thyroxine is secreted in lower amounts so as a result, they will not be able to burn calories at rest.

People with slow metabolism suffer from various health risks like an increase in blood cholesterol level, feeling tired and people suffering from this problem may not be able to lose weight. People suffering from hypothyroidism can lose weight by doing some intense workout like high-intensity cardio. Exercise may include fast walking, jogging, hiking, etc. Intake of a high protein diet can also boost your metabolism.

Nutrients Vital For Thyroid

Essential nutrients required to maintain thyroid health are listed below:

  • It helps to activate the thyroxine hormone.
  • It is an essential mineral with antioxidant benefits that protect our thyroid gland from various molecules.
  • Selenium level can be increased by including selenium-rich food in our diet like egg, legumes, sardines, tuna, etc.
  • Selenium should be taken only when advised. A high dose of selenium intake can be harmful to health.
  • It is an essential mineral required to make thyroxine hormone.
  • People suffering from iodine deficiency are at the risk of developing hypothyroidism.
  • If you are suffering from iodine deficiency than you should add iodized table salt to your diet or eat iodine-rich food like seafood.
  • You can get plenty of iodine from your diet itself so there is no need to take additional supplements as an excess of iodine can damage the thyroid gland.
  • ZINC:
  • Like selenium, zinc also helps to activate the thyroid hormone.
  • It also helps to regulate TSH which triggers the thyroid gland to secrete a hormone called thyroxine.
  • Zinc is abundant in food so its deficiency is rare in developed countries.
  • People suffering from hypothyroidism should consume more zinc-rich food like an oyster, chicken, shellfish, etc.

Harmful Nutrients

Certain nutrients that affect the health of people suffering from hypothyroidism are:

  • These are the substances that interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Goitrogen is derived from the name goiter which is a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes enlarged abnormally.
  • Some of the food items that contain goitrogen are soy foods, vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, kale, etc, fruits, starchy plants, and some nuts, etc.
  • People suffering from hypothyroidism should avoid foods that contain goitrogens as they inhibit the thyroid gland functioning.

Medication And Supplements

People suffering from artificial synthetic version of the thyroid hormone. Cytomel and Tertroxin are alternate for T3 and Synthroid, Levothroid, Levoxyl are alternate for T4.

The doctor always advises iodine supplements to patients suffering from iodine deficiency. Magnesium and selenium could be taken to overcome this deficiency only on the advice of your doctor.

2. Foods To Avoid When Having Hypothyroidism

Some foods and nutrients influence the functioning of the thyroid gland

Whatever you eat directly interferes with the treatment of hypothyroidism as it can be a critical condition to manage. Some foods and nutrients influence the functioning of the thyroid gland. Many people suffer from hypothyroidism, and many are there who are not even aware that they are suffering from hypothyroidism.

Some of the conditions like environmental factors and family history may be the reason you suffer from hypothyroidism and these conditions are not in your control. Diet can play a very important role to manage your hypothyroidism. Once you become aware you can wisely choose your diet that is thyroid friendly.

In some diets, it is recommended that coffee is a healthy and safe beverage but it is not considered healthy for the patients suffering from hypothyroidism but can still enjoy this food by lowering their intake while managing hypothyroidism. Other foods items that should be excluded from your diet are sugary foods like cakes, pastry, ice creams, etc, salty processed food, fried food, alcohol, etc.

Here Are Some Food Items that have to be avoided To Manage Your Hypothyroidism:

  1. Soy products (Tofu, miso):

Soy products contain certain compounds like isoflavones that have negative effects on the thyroid. Intake of too much soy products can cause hypothyroidism. Some researches reveal that the intake of soy products may hinder the potentiality to absorb the medication taken for hypothyroidism. You will have to wait for about 4 hours to take your medicines after consuming any soy product so that your medicine can be absorbed properly in your body.

  1. Cruciferous vegetables that belong to the mustard family (turnip, cabbage, broccoli, etc.):

Cruciferous vegetables are the vegetables that belong to the mustard family and rich in fiber. Their intake can hinder the functioning of the thyroid to produce thyroid hormone if you are suffering from iodine deficiency. Intake of the vegetables like cauliflower, kale, turnip, etc may hinder thyroid’s ability to utilize iodine which is important for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

If you are diagnosed with both hypothyroidism and iodine deficiency than you can limit the consumption of these foods and use it by cooking as cooking will reduce its effect. You can limit its amount to 5 ounces a day.

  1. Fried and fatty food:

Fatty foods like butter, mayonnaise, meat and fried foods all are responsible for hampering the absorption of medicines taken for hypothyroidism and also reduces the ability of the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine hormone. It is advised by the dieticians to eliminate all the fried and fatty food intake or limit its consumption to a very low amount.

  1. Processed and frozen foods:

Sodium content is more in processed food so it is not beneficial for the people suffering from hypothyroidism. A high amount of iodine in the body may increase the risk to develop high blood pressure. Whenever you buy any processed food you should always check the iodine content in it so that you can choose your food wisely and manage your hypothyroidism.

  1. Gluten :

Gluten is a protein found in processed foods like wheat, barley, other grains. people suffering from hypothyroidism should reduce their intake of gluten as it can disturb the small intestine and hinders the absorption of medicines taken for the replacement of thyroxine hormone.

According to journal hypothyroidism and celiac disease are present together but not research has been evident to prove that a gluten-free diet can cure thyroid condition. It is better to consult your doctor about eliminating gluten from your diet or getting tested for celiac disease.

It is recommended that you choose a whole-grain variety of wheat, rice that is rich in fiber content and has other nutritional values so that it can improve your bowel problems which is a common problem of people suffering from hypothyroidism. There should be a gap of several hours in between your diet and your medication so that it will not obstruct the absorption of thyroxine.

  1. Sugary foods:

These include chocolates, cakes, cheesecakes, etc. These food contain a large amount of sugar content with no nutrients and as we know the metabolic system is weak in hypothyroidism patients, they cannot digest this high amount of calories. It is better to completely eliminate these sugary items from your diet.

  1. Coffee:

People who take coffee with their medication have uncontrollable levels of thyroid. So it is advised to have gaps between your meals and medications. A minimum gap of 30 minutes should be there. Medicines should always be taken with water.

  1. Alcohol:

People suffering from hypothyroidism should avoid the intake of alcohol. It can desolate the levels of thyroxine and its production. Alcohol has toxic effects on the thyroid gland and represses the production of thyroxine.

  1. Excess fiber:

Fiber intake is good for health but excess intake can hamper the treatment of hypothyroidism. Consumption of fiber more than the required amount can disturb the digestive system and interfere with the absorption of thyroxine hormone. Consult your doctor if you are on a high fiber diet and if there is a need to increase the dosage of your medication.

3. How To Switch To Healthy Food Choices For Hypothyroidism?

While there are also a variety of medical treatments available for thyroid conditions, eating right is often the first lifestyle change to make.

People suffering from hypothyroidism are advised to take synthetic thyroid hormone levels to maintain thyroid levels. Some simple changes can be made in your diet to boost your immune system to manage hypothyroidism. Diet alone can’t cure hypothyroidism, as the diet can help to reduce weight and manage many health conditions. Some foods can inhibit the ability to absorb. Iodine in the body and can interfere with the functioning of medicines.

Diet that you are consuming should contain the required amounts of selenium and iodine. Some of the studies reveal that hypothyroidism is common in areas with low selenium content and in those who eat food that contains low selenium contents. Crops grown in these areas may have a low concentration of selenium in soil and crops.

According to a journal, iodine is important for the functioning of the thyroid hormone ensued by selenium. Some other substances also help in the synthesis of the thyroid hormone-like zinc, vitamin A, iron, etc. Oxidative damage can be prevented by the intake of food rich in selenium content. Food containing a high amount of fats should be avoided as it may lead to inflammation and lead to thyroid damage.

Here are some of the recommended food swaps for hypothyroidism:

  • Increase selenium intake:

Peanuts and walnuts should be swapped with brazil nuts and sunflower seeds. Walnuts are responsible for inhibiting the absorption of iodine. Foods like cottage cheese, shrimp, brown rice contain a good amount of selenium.

  • Increase zinc intake:

Pasta and bread should be swapped with whole grain and whole wheat varieties. You should prefer brown rice over white rice. Oysters, crabs, shellfish contain a high amount of zinc.

  • Manage weight and cholesterol:

Foods with a high amount of fats should be replaced with low fats foods like lean meat, chicken, fish, etc. These foods will help you to control cholesterol and also helps to manage weight.

  • To improve the intake of iodine:

Seaweeds should be used to make a sandwich instead of processed wraps. Different types of seaweeds contain different amounts of iodine content.

Low-fat yogurt, egg, etc contain a high amount of iodine. You should limit the intake of food items like walnuts, soy flour, shoots of bamboo to prevent full absorption of iodine.

  • Boost the intake of vitamin A:

Too much fiber intake can hamper the functioning of the thyroid gland. So the intake of cruciferous vegetables should be minimum and consumed in small ounces instead of consuming it in large quantities. Cruciferous vegetables should be swapped with vegetables rich in vitamin A like carrot, spinach, etc.

  • Avoid inflammation:

Butter should be swapped with olive oils, butter contains saturated fatty acids that cause inflammation and damages the thyroid tissues. You should also avoid the intake of sugary substances as they also cause inflammation.

4. Nutrition Tips And Diet Guidelines For Thyroid

Many kinds of research are going on to see the impacts of various foods on thyroid health.

Many kinds of research are going on to see the impacts of various foods on thyroid health. Different foods have both positive and negative impacts on the health of the person. Deficiencies of selenium and iodine can cause hypothyroidism. Diet always plays an important role in managing your thyroid as food cannot treat or eradicate thyroid completely but a thyroid-friendly diet can help in its treatment and management of other issues like constipation, weight loss, metabolic problems, fatigue, etc.

Things To Be Kept In Mind While Making Some Changes Are Listed Below:

  1. Exclude processed foods: As such they are not harmful but when they are heavily processed (frozen pizza, donuts, etc.)they can cause harm to anyone. These foods may even contain certain substances that may be carcinogenic in nature. They also contain high calories that are also not good for your health. You should always choose fresh fruits, vegetables and the foods that are least processed.
  1. Include good fats: You should always include olive oil, avocado as they have anti-inflammatory properties to support your immune system. The best source of good fat as wild-caught salmon. Grass-fed animals should be chosen as they are rich in healthy fats and nutrients.
  1. Low caffeine intake: Regular intake of tea, coffee or other caffeinated drinks can weaken your adrenal gland, increase cortisol levels. Caffeine acts as a powerful stimulant.
  1. Include small meals instead of eating too much in one sitting:

Eating too much at once can raise your blood sugar. It will become a dietary stressor if you will not have a balanced meal. You should avoid overeating and stop once you are full. Give some time to your body to know that you are full and it can start its work.

  1. Abolish toxins: Toxins like pesticides, hormones, etc. can prompt autoimmune and anti-inflammatory responses. These toxins should be reduced from your diet so that less stress is caused to the endocrine system and the immune system. You should consume food free from antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, should be organic, etc.
  1. Reduce dietary stress:

The reason for dietary stress is the intake of food that causes inflammation or allergic responses, hike in blood sugar level, intake of unhealthy fats, toxins that triggers immunity.

  1. Omit table salt:

Some people consume too much salt. The required amount of salt is already there in the diet still people add more salt in the processed foods that can be harmful. Natural salt is healthy but can be harmful if over consumed.

  1. Reduce sweets:

Excess intake of refined sugar can lead to inflammation and if you are suffering from thyroid disease than chances are there that you may develop type 2 diabetes. To avoid the risk of diabetes you should eliminate sugary foods from your diet.

  1. Limit alcohol intake: Regular intake of alcohol is not good for the liver and blood sugar as it is heavy on carbohydrates and sugar.

Occasional intake of alcohol is not harmful but should be in limits.

  1. Nighty food break:

You should not eat anything after 8 p.m. Your body requires 10-12 hours break before you eat breakfast. The body produces various hormones during sleep and the energy required to produce these hormones is derived from the stored fat.

  • Thyroid-Friendly Diet:

Thyroid is responsive to the food we eat. More dietary stress will lead to inflammation that can worsen the autoimmune reactions and disrupt the functioning of the thyroid. Here are some thyroid friendly approaches that can be used:

  • Low carbohydrate intake: A low carb diet keeps your blood glucose level balanced. You should opt for a ketogenic diet.
  • Gluten-free diet: Gluten is a protein that is responsible for the immune reaction in the digestive system which can further damage your immune system as an impact of celiac disease. This disease leads to poor absorption of various nutrients like iodine, selenium and also reduces the ability to absorb levothyroxine. People suffering from celiac disease should opt for a gluten-free diet. It will also help to reduce weight and inflammation.
  • Low glycemic diet: This diet is low in carbohydrates and sugar that are absorbed quickly. This diet is beneficial as it balances the spikes in sugar level that can cause dietary stress. Balancing the sugar level reduces the stress that is caused on various hormones.

4) Elimination diet: Foods that include dairy products, nuts, soy, etc. can lead to inflammation and weight loss problems. It is best to get a test for food allergy so that you can eliminate the food that is causing harm to your body.

5) Be Mindful About Goitrogenic Foods:

These foods hamper the functioning of the thyroid gland leading to goiter (enlargement). You should not completely avoid them but can consume it in a limited amount then consuming it in large quantities in raw form. This food should be cooked steamed before eating as cooking reduced its goitrogenic properties. Still, you should avoid it if you are suffering from hypothyroidism.

5. How To Manage Weight With Hypothyroidism.

People suffering from hypothyroidism have low functioning thyroid and is not able to burn calories and fat remains stored in the body

The thyroid gland is located in the neck region and is small in size. People suffering from hypothyroidism have low functioning thyroid and is not able to burn calories and fat remains stored in the body. Practice and effort are required to maintain a healthy living of the patients suffering from hypothyroidism. People suffering from hypothyroidism have a low metabolic rate, so losing weight becomes difficult.

Some of the common mistakes that can be overcome that obstruct the weight loss efforts are:

  • Avoid Skipping breakfast:

If you skip your breakfast, your metabolism slows down. If you skip meals, you tend to overeat in your next meals that can disrupt your sugar levels in the blood. Due to these reasons, weight becomes stagnant. It is advised to eat breakfast rich in proteins and good fats so that you stay full whole day and have small meals throughout the day.

  • Perform strength training:

Loss of muscle mass is the result of hypothyroidism. Strength training is important to maintain a healthy life. Strength training helps to build your muscle mass and boost your metabolism. You should include it twice a week in your workout routine.

  • Avoid Low-calorie intake:

Intake of sugary drinks and candies do not fill your appetite. Soda contains a large amount of calories. Soda and sugary fruit drinks are not able to suppress your appetite. You should drink non- sugary beverages like water, noncaloric beverages, etc.

  • Take the Correct dose of thyroid medication:

Correct dosage of medication is necessary to treat hypothyroidism. Those who avoid their medications are not taking them regularly often have uncontrolled levels of thyroid hormones.

  • Avoid Crash Dieting:

Weight can be easily gained back after you lose it if you do not maintain it. Eating less leads to slow metabolism whenever you eat less to lose weight.

  • Take proper sleep:

People suffering from hypothyroidism often get less sleep and poor quality of sleep. If you do not get enough sleep your body is not able to produce hormones in adequate amounts that will make you feel full. For healthy sleep you should follow some tips:

  • Have a wake-up and sleep routine.
  • Avoid the use of cell phones while sleeping
  • Sleep on good quality pillows
  • The bedroom should be dark and calm.
  • Learn to say ‘No’:

If you want to stay healthy, you have to learn to say no to cakes, candies, cookies, etc. as they lead to weight gain. You should eliminate these food items or limit their intake. It is not very easy to maintain a healthy diet if you are suffering from hypothyroidism.

6. Lifestyle Hacks To Manage Hypothyroidism Symptoms

The most important step is taking medication exactly as prescribed. Medication should be taken as the first thing in the morning. Medication helps to restore hormones to normal levels and reverse its symptoms. With the correct dosage of medicines, you need to maintain your lifestyle too. You can improve your health and manage hypothyroidism in some simple steps:

  • Apply moisturizer after bath:

Moisturizer or cream should be applied after bath to lock the moisture. Mild lotions should be used to avoid irritations on the skin. The bath should be taken for about 10 minutes and only with warm water. Bathing with hot water leads to a lack of moisture from the skin.

  • Regular walk to reduce various problems:

A regular workout is very important to maintain hypothyroidism. It also helps to relieve stress. You should aim for 30 minutes of workout on a daily basis. Sweating is important to release stress. If you are using a mobile phone while doing workout then it is of no use.

  • Yoga to relieve stress:

Meditation and yoga are important to calm your mind and generate positive energies. Continuous yoga can help to reduce stress and cholesterol levels. Stretching helps to relieve joint pain and muscle aches and increases flexibility.

  • Intake of fruits and vegetables:

Intake of fruits and vegetables helps to reduce weight and manage bowel movements. Fruits and veggies are great sources of fiber which improves bowels. You should drink lots of water if you are suffering from constipation. Limited intake of fiber is beneficial, excess intake can disrupt the functioning of thyroxine.

  • Lean protein should be added:

Proteins help to repair worn out tissues and build new tissues. Protein also helps to control your weight by slow movement of food from stomach to intestine. Due to this slow movement, your stomach feels full and you don’t feel the urge to eat more and calorie intake is reduced as a result protein also helps to maintain blood sugar levels so that there is no spike in the level of glucose.

  • Avoid using mobile while sleeping:

Hypothyroidism leads to fatigue due to a lack of sleep. You should avoid all the electronic gadgets before going to sleep so that you can have a daily routine of sleep. Rest is very important to get rid of fatigue. Sleep of seven to eight hours is recommended.

  • Protect against cold:

The thyroid gland helps to control the body temperature but in hypothyroidism condition, your body cannot produce regulating hormones, so you will feel cold compared to others. You should always wear clothes in layers. You should dress according to the weather and can remove it if you are feeling hot.

Managing hypothyroidism can be tough but its results can be fruitful for the future. You can see noticeable changes in stress level, weight, dry skin, and many more problems. Even after management, you are not able to see any changes. You should consult your doctor for medication if required.

7. Complementary Therapies For Managing Thyroid

Yoga has proved to be highly beneficial in managing Thyroid symptoms since yoga practices balance any excess energy in the body and control an overstimulated endocrine and nervous system.

In case of Hypothyroidism, even with medicines, chronic issues like physical fatigue, obesity, constant headaches can continue to occur. Hence, some Complementary therapies should be carried out in combination with conventional treatment. This will help ease this symptoms.

Following are some of the widely known and easily available complementary therapies to tackle thyroid symptoms.

  1. Once a week Acupuncture Sessions

We all are aware of this age old healing technique. In this modality, thin needles are inserted in the skin to stimulate specific points on the body. This technique releases chemicals that control blood flow and reduce pain in the body. Once-a-week acupuncture sessions can to a large extent help release stress in the body that further helps in managing Thyroid disease.

Researches have also been conducted in this regard that have proved that acupuncture, when used in conjunction with other treatments, can reduce Thyroid symptoms in patients and show improvement.

  1. 20 minutes Daily Meditation

Meditation has a calming effect on the nervous system. Since it reduces anxiety, calms raging hormones, helps combat depression, induces positivity and detoxifies the body, it can help in controlling Thyroid Symptoms such as fatigue, headache etc.

It also brings Mind-Body and Spirit in balance. Hence, with consistent meditation practice for min. 20 minutes daily, one can control an imbalanced endocrine system and deal with stressful Thyroid symptoms.

  1. Yoga and Breathing Exercises (Pranayama)

Yoga has proved to be highly beneficial in managing Thyroid symptoms since yoga practices balance any excess energy in the body and control an overstimulated endocrine and nervous system.

Many Yoga poses and breathing techniques involved in fish pose, plough pose, shoulder stand have proved beneficial in managing Thyroid hormonal balance since Thyroid is mainly a function of Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus.

With constant Yoga Practice, one can improve cholesterol, diabetes and TSH levels and reduce the need for thyroid replacement also.

  1. Massage Therapy to stimulate blood flow

Massage therapy has a positive effect on managing stress levels, reduces anxiety, depression, insomnia, body aches since it improves blood flow to clogged veins and opens them, it is believed to help the lymphatic system. When the lymphatic system starts working properly, it further brings the Thyroid in balance.

  1. Diet and Meal Plan

Diet is undoubtedly the most vital factor when it comes to managing Thyroid. Food and its inherent nature influences the functioning of various body parts. Hence, whatever you are eating and not eating is affecting your thyroid levels.

There are certain foods to be avoided completely to manage your thyroid imbalance and keep it under control. For instance, consuming walnuts, soybean flour, iron and calcium supplements can interfere with your thyroid medication. Hence, few hours before and after taking the medication, these have to avoided completely.

Try to eat foods rich in important nutrients like iodine and selenium which are beneficial. Create a meal plan in consultation with your medical practitioner that is best for you.

  1. Supplements

Thyroid disease can also occur due to absence of vital nutrients in the body such as — tyrosine, iodine, selenium, zinc and copper. These are needed for the synthesis of the thyroid hormone. Hence, taking supplements to replenish your body with these nutrients can also help mitigate thyroid imbalances. It is always advised to talk your medical practitioner before taking any supplements.

  1. Regular Exercise/ Aerobics

We all know that exercise of any kind is shown to improve emotional and mental health. Engaging in regular exercise has been proved to improve Thyroid disorder in patients. Aerobics of medium-intensity along with gentle exercises such as swimming etc has shown to give best results in managing thyroid levels.

8. Is there Really A Thyroid Diet?

Is there Really A Thyroid Diet? In general, there is no such diet for hypothyroidism.

In general, there is no such diet for hypothyroidism. There is no such evidence that by consuming certain foods and by eliminating certain foods, hypothyroidism can be treated. Both excess of deficiency of iodine is harmful to health as an excess of it causes hyperthyroidism and its deficiency causes hypothyroidism.

There is no need to take extra iodine as the required amount is already present in our daily meals. Certain food supplements like soy products should be consumed in limits as they hinder the production of thyroxine.

People suffering from hypothyroidism should take their medicines as prescribed by their doctor. Dietary fibers may hinder the absorption of these medicines there should be a gap between medication and meals. Intake of the supplements that contain biotin interferes with the measurement of thyroxine hormone so its intake should be stopped a week before going for the measurement of thyroxine hormone. To lead a healthy life a well-balanced diet should be consumed as it is said ‘’health is wealth’’.

The thyroid gland releases thyroxine hormone by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) into the bloodstream. When the thyroid is not able to respond properly, people may develop problems like hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. People who eat lots of cruciferous vegetables and there is a lack of dietary iodine and selenium in their diet can develop a goiter.

The amount of thiocyanates vary in every single food you eat. Thiocyanate is antithyroid that may result in hypothyroidism. If you have a family history of goiter or hypothyroidism you can consume vegetables by mixing them with your choice of vegetables so that they are not repeated every day and not hinder the absorption of thyroxine.

You should cook and eat them by chewing slowly so that they can be broken into smaller pieces. It is not important that the amount of thiocyanate will be the same in all the varieties of one vegetable like there are different types of kale and all of them have different amounts of thiocyanate.

These vegetables have minimal effect if consumed in a minimum amount like 5 ounces in a day. You should avoid processed foods, fried foods, fatty foods, etc. because these contain a high content of iodine and lots of calories which are difficult to burn.

Isoflavone is a compound present in the soy products which inhibits the secretion of thyroxine hormone.

If the doctor suspects that the patient is suffering from Graves’ disease he may run a TPO (thyroid peroxidase) test to check antibodies that will reveal the reason for thyroid disorder. Consumption of too much soy products will lead to a decrease in thyroxine production.

Before taking any supplement you should be aware of what nutrients you are taking as many of them can trigger your thyroxine levels to increase or decrease. Supplements should always be taken from a trusted source so that there are no filters.

There is no specific diet or supplements that can completely eradicate the thyroid problem. For better results, you can consult a dietitian who is specialized for thyroid problems.

Together you can make a meal plan according to your taste and health so that a required amount of iodine is consumed per day and the levels of thyroxine are not hampered by that diet.

9. Recipes

Sharing some easy to make recipes for Thyroid Patients.

Sharing some easy to make recipes for Thyroid Patients. Enjoy!

Recipe 1. Spiced Oatmeal


  • 4 Cups Water
  • 1 Instant Oats
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/4 Tsp. Ground Coriander
  • 1/4 Tsp. Ground Cloves
  • 1/4 Tsp. Ground Ginger
  • 1/4 Tsp. Ground Allspice
  • 1/8 Tsp. Ground Nutmeg
  • 1/4 Tsp. Ground Cardamom
  • Maple Syrup To Taste


  • Cook the oats to for 10 minutes .but include the spices when you add the oats to the water.
  • Post cooking, add maple syrup to taste.

Recipe 2. Turkey Chili Corn Carne


  • 1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
  • 400 gms Lean Minced Turkey
  • 1 Onion Diced
  • 2 Bell Peppers Chopped
  • 2 Cans Italian Tomato Sauce
  • 2 Diced Tomatoes
  • 1 Cans Red Kidney Beans
  • 1 small can Sliced Jalapeno Peppers
  • 1 Cup Frozen American Corn
  • 2 Tablespoons Paprika Powder
  • Salt And Crushed Black Pepper


  1. Heat the olive oil on medium heat in a wok. Add the onion, bell peppers, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, beans, jalapeños, corn, paprika powder
  2. Add the turkey. Stir and add salt and pepper to season.
  3. Put the lid and cook (ensuring adequate liquid) on slow for 1 hour. Let the flavors mingle.

Recipe 3. Stuffed Peppers


  • Whole bell peppers – 2
  • Chopped onions – 1 small onion
  • Diced boiled Potatoes – 1 cup
  • Garlic chopped – few cloves
  • Oregano to season
  • Parsley – few sprigs
  • Salt/pepper to taste
  • Celery chopped – 1 stick
  • Carrots chopped – 1 Tbsp
  • Chilli flakes – a pinch
  • Lemon – 1
  • Vegan mayo – 2 Tbsp
  • Thyme – few leaves
  • Quinoa cooked (or any whole meal millet etc) – 1 cup
  • Oat meal – 2 Tsp
  • Tofu – 1/2 cup grated


For the Pepper:

  • Cut the tops of bell pepper
  • Empty all the seeds
  • Combine the cooked quinoa , oats ,tofu ,parsley, garlic, oregano , celery, carrots and chilli flakes
  • Mix well while squeezing lemon juice
  • Stuff into the peppers and press till it cannot be compressed further
  • Bake in oven at 400 degrees F for 20 minutes
  • If the peppers begin to char, cover with a piece of aluminium foil.

For the Aioli

  • Add mayo to a bowl add some chilli flakes
  • Crush a few cloves of garlic with salt and the side of your knife
  • Fix all together
  • Serve on side with a bouquet of lettuce and tomato wedges

Recipe 4. Ginger-Chicken Noodle Soup


  • 1 pound chicken, thighs skinless, boneless, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 tablespoon oil, cooking
  • 2 medium carrots cut into thin bite-size sticks
  • 3 cans broth, chicken, less sodium 14 ounces each
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar, rice
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce, less sodium
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons ginger, fresh
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper, black, ground
  • 2 ounces rice noodles, dried
  • 6 ounces pea pods, frozen, thawed, and halved diagonally


  1. In a Dutch oven, cook chicken, half at a time, in hot oil just until browned. Drain fat. Return all chicken to Dutch oven. Add carrots, broth, water, vinegar, soy sauce, ginger, and pepper. Bring to boiling; reduce heat and simmer, covered, 20 minutes.
  1. Return to boil. Add noodles. Simmer, uncovered, 8 to 10 minutes or until noodles are tender, adding pea pods the last 1 to 2 minutes. If desired serve with additional soy sauce.

Recipe 5. Baked Potatoes and Tomatoes


  • 1 pound potatoes, new (tiny) scrubbed and quartered
  • 2 tablespoons oil, olive
  • 1 teaspoon rosemary, snipped
  • 1/4 teaspoon grounded back pepper
  • 4 tomatoes, quartered
  • 1/2 cup olives, Kalamata, pitted, halved
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup cheese, Parmesan grated
  • Salt to taste


  1. Place potatoes in a lightly greased baking pan. Preheat oven to 450°F. Prepare a dressing with rosemary, salt, pepper and olive oil to coat potatoes.
  2. Bake for 20 minutes, with a single stir. Add tomatoes, olives, and garlic, tossing to combine. Bake for 5 to 10 minutes more or until potatoes are tender and brown on the edges and tomatoes are soft. Transfer to a serving dish. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Recipe 6. Mushroom Hot-Pot


  • Sliced mushrooms – 100 gms
  • Onion sliced – 1 small onion
  • Red cabbage sliced – 1/2 a cup
  • Bell peppers sliced – 1/2 a cup
  • Sweet corn – ½ cup
  • Bok choy sliced – 1/2 cup
  • Garlic – few cloves (whole)
  • Crushed pepper – 2 Tbsp
  • Parsley – few sprigs
  • Thyme – a sprig
  • Bay leaf – 1
  • Refined flour – 1/2 Tsp
  • Bread – 4 slices
  • Olive oil – 2 Tbsp


  • Sauté chopped onions and garlic in a pot
  • Sprinkle flour and cook it for 1 minute on med heat
  • Add water, let it come to boil
  • Add the remaining vegetables season with salt and pepper
  • Add a bouquet of parsley stalk , bay leaf and thyme sprig
  • Cook on very low heat for 45 minutes /alternatively place the casserole in a medium oven
  • Remove the bouquet
  • Sprinkle parsley to finish
  • Toast slices of bread
  • Rub garlic over it
  • Drizzle with olive oil
  • Finish with parsley

Recipe 7. The Three Bean Cottage Pie


For The Farce

  • Olive oil – 1 Tbsp
  • Leeks chopped – 1 Tbsp
  • Garlic chopped – 1 TSP
  • Onion chopped – 1 TSP
  • Carrots chopped – 1 TSP
  • Thyme – 1/4 Tsp
  • Bay leaf – 1
  • Celery chopped – 1 TSP
  • Crushed pepper corns – 1/4 Tsp
  • Flour – ½ Tsp
  • Red kidney beans – 1/2 cup
  • Garbanzo beans – 1/2 cup
  • Soya beans – 1/2 cup
  • Tomato puree – 1/4 cup
  • Salt to taste

For The Mash

  • Potatoes – 4 large
  • Olive oil – 20 ml
  • Garlic – 1/2 Tsp
  • Chia soaked prior – 1 Tbsp
  • Parsley for garnish
  • Seasoning (salt & pepper) to taste


To make the Farce

  • Soak the three beans 12 hours prior
  • Chop the beans roughly (without boiling )
  • Heat oil in a pan
  • Sauté onion, garlic, carrots , leeks and celery for a while
  • Season with salt crushed pepper and thyme
  • Add the puree and cook on medium heat till it leaves oil
  • Add the refined flour and stir and cook for a minute
  • Add the chopped beans and add water
  • Cover and cook at low heat for 1 hr till the beans turn tender and the mixture becomes very thick
  • Check seasoning and correct if required
  • Pour dish in a glass bowl and spread evenly

To make the Mash

  • Peel potatoes and dice in even size
  • Boil in salted water till just done
  • Strain while hot
  • Pass through a sieve to form a smooth paste
  • Heat oil in a pan
  • Sauté the chopped garlic (can caramelize for a stronger flavour )
  • Add the mash and seasoning
  • Add soaked chia
  • Heat just enough to make it hot and turn off the heat (we can always heat mash best in a microwave)
  • Finish with chopped parsley


  • Make a layer of farce in a shallow dish
  • Smoothen it with a rubber spatula
  • Layer the mash on top
  • Smoothen it with an oiled spatula
  • Bake in oven till the top is golden brown for about 30 minutes on 300 degrees F.
  • Sprinkle parsley to finish
  • Serve the bubbling hot pie

Recipe 8: Spiced Crème Du Burry


  • 1 shallot quartered
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • 3 Cup cauliflower florets
  • 2 Fennel bulbs chopped and cored
  • ½ Liter bullion, any
  • 1 Tsp Tahini (optional)
  • 1 Tsp Olive Oil
  • A Pinch of turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, and fennel seeds, ground
  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk
  • 1 knob ginger (peeled)


  1. In a Pan, place shallots, garlic cloves, and cauliflower florets over medium heat in olive oil. Grill till golden.
  2. Remove from the pan and place in a blender with remaining ingredients to make a puree.
  3. Pour the puree in a large saucepan on medium heat.
  4. Bring to a simmer. Allow Flavors to mingle.
  5. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Add Coconut Milk to make more creamy.


Thyroid disease is more of a hormonal imbalance created in the Thyroid Glands that interfere with the proper secretion of hormones. This imbalance leads to severe physical symptoms. But it is not that this disease cannot be controlled.

With proper medication, diet and complementary therapies like Yoga, Meditations, Breathing exercises, Acupuncture it is absolutely possible to manage Thyroid and avoid it in the first place. Stress is the biggest factor contributing to these diseases in our today’s life. And with Junk food available cheaper than healthy food, it has contributed to lowering of gene quality which makes us more vulnerable to developing auto-immune disorders like Thyroid, Diabetes and Cardio vascular diseases. Hence, follow the tips and diet guidelines shared in this guide and make it easier to manage your Thyroid Condition.